The Weapon Mount Strikes Back

MoD reader Sean McCreadie submitted the idea for this weapon mount, and as you can see, Evil Tahu is trying it out with KOPAKA’s sword and shield.

Here you can see the weapon mount without any obstructions blocking the view. To make it, you’ll need a #3 plus-rod, a #2 coupler, and a black #2-length pin. The plus-rod goes into the TOA’s back, the coupler attaches to that, and the pin goes in from the right side, so it sticks out behind the weapon arm. KOPAKA’s sword snaps onto the pin, and the shield goes into the open end of the coupler.

Now, Sean only submitted the idea for the KOPAKA mount, but if you swap the #2 coupler for a #1 coupler, you can use it on TAHU and LEWA. And if you really want, you can always replace the #2-length black pin with a #3-length one (sticking out on both sides) and use it to hold ONUA’s claws or GALI’s hooks.

