A Peek At BrickUniverse' Fan Zone Details

I have a preliminary layout image of the fan zone for this year’s BrickUniverse in Raleigh coming up in a couple days, including some details on the attendees who have brought their own creations in. The Fan Zone is the section for everyday builders like you and me (and I have a nice display going if I may say so), so it doesn’t include professional builder’s displays, vendors, and other exhibits at the event.

Ill try to keep this updated as I get more information about the other exhibitors.

Here is a map of the fan zone, which includes names of some of the builders. A few are obvious, but I don’t personally recognize all of them. I am horrible with name association, so don’t be offended if your on here and I can’t put a description to your name XP

The Rollins table is for a young man named Spencer Rollins and his father. Spencer is exceptionally talented, and I’d say his work is professional grade and highly detailed, even back when I met him four years ago at Brick Magic. BIONICLE® is just one of a few themes he excels in, and his eye for aesthetics is beyond anything I can pull off.

The BZP/Bionilug table is primarily going to be hosted by BZP’s Andrew, better known as Black Six. He will be bringing in creations from BIONICLE fans all over the country, and probably a few from out of the USA as well. (Funny note, in his range of experiences with receiving MOCs via mail, he has had at least one padded with actual popcorn, the edible kind.)

If your a new reader, my screen name is usually Imatron, and for some reason the event planners used that instead of my real name. Odd considering everyone else is listed by their first or last name, or otherwise their association. Ill have a large display, mostly of BIONICLE creations. I mostly like to show off interesting concepts, so my stuff may not be the best looking, but they tend to show off something cool to make up for it. I have a few designs that are inspired by other builders as well.

I believe the blue outline of a box just to the left is a zone reserved for my Power Functions tank exhibit(you can see the tanks and a larger description here). I intend to have it open for the public to play with them and shoot at some targets I’ve put together.

I don’t think I recognize Dan, but judging by the reservation of an entire donut shaped table, I’m guessing he could have a Great Ball Contraption set up. Or hes just got alot of great stuff to show off.

GFLug, according to google, is the Greater Florida LEGO? Users Group. They appear to have a setup oriented for a bunch of trains across a large landscape.

If your one of the exhibitors in the fan zone and I don’t have a description for you, please send me an email so I can tell everyone more about you. If you were here last year then I probably remember you but don’t have your name associated to what you do. Just send me a reminder if that’s the case XP

