Call for Your Scans

Header image. Comparison of bad and good quality scans of a story board panel.

Just a couple days ago, James at Wall of History provided some lovely scans of several Legends of Metru Nui storyboards. Beforehand, we only had the low-res photos from the eBay listing. Many of the rest of the storyboards are still stuck in that grainy, poorly-lit limbo, so James suggested we put out a call for better images!

If you’ve purchased any of the auctions for LOMN storyboards, and would be able to provide clearer images of your winnings than what we currently have in our archive, please get in touch! You’ll have your name immortalized on BMP’s credit page, as well as our gratitude.

Send a message with your image(s) and by what name you would like to be credited to!

