Market Watch: Poisoned Hau Nuvas

The Poisoned Hau Nuva is one of the more interesting BIONICLE collectibles out there, as there are four variants of it, and they were typically only available as promotional items with certain purchases. A seller on eBay has conveniently listed three of them for sale and sorted them by type, for only $10.99 USD each with free shipping! If you are missing one of the set, take a look and see if he has the missing link for your collection! Otherwise, if you don’t have any in your collection, this is a great opportunity to grab one!

On the other hand, another eBay seller has a complete set available of all four of the mask’s variants, for a mere $40.00 USD and free standard shipping to top it off.

If you want to grab a complete set all in one go, this may be up your alley!

