Myths and Legacy: BIONICLE Legends: Invasion Chapter 7

The next chapter of BIONICLE Legends: Invasion has arrived!

As we officially enter the second half of this story, it’s time to kick this into a higher gear. Thought the amount of ideas crammed into the first half was crazy? We are not done yet.

With the Toa Inika descending further along the Cord, our narrative turns its attention away from their descent and Voya Nui above, casting its gaze down to the watery depths below. As one lone Ko-Matoran seeks his lost friend, he is startled and scared off by two monsters that have emerged from the Pit. But they have been ordered not to dine by the Barraki. As such, they do what any starving mutated warmongering exile would do and seek out alternative sources of nutrition… in the Cord.

The next stage begins… but what will the Toa Inika have to sacrifice before it is over?

Invasion continues here.

