MOC: Keetongu Hands MOD

I’ve got a small list of parts I wish The LEGO group would make. One of the parts on that list is a dedicated hand part that attached to a ball joint, with the appropriate bars for posable fingers to attach. They did experiment with bending fingers more than once, though I never liked how they turned out. Hydraxon’s fingers for example didn’t look right hanging off the pneumatic T connectors. They also didn’t feel solid enough for my liking. They later released part # 92233, which was more in line with what I was hoping for, although much too large for smaller creations. It could also have used a spot to attach a thumb without sacrificing a finger.

The Legend Reborn’s “Keetongu Hands MOD” puts the official designs to shame, even though some of the same parts are critical to the design. He originally engineered it to give Keetongu’s less than ideal stubs more character, although someone can easily convert it to fit a number of MOCs!

You can see more of The Legend Reborn‘s content here.

