Market Watch: Tarakava & More

Looks like there’s been a decent drop in pre-owned Tarakava sets since a couple weeks ago, and several have beat out the bricklink prices.

This one is only 69.95 USD and about 10 dollars shipping. This one lacks instructions, unlike the other two listings below.

Heres one for $75.00 which the seller claims to have verified is 100% complete via bricklink, and about 10 bucks shipping.

And one more for $75, although the seller notes there are no rubber bands and a particular technic pin (which may be hard to find) are missing. Shipping is about 12 bucks. I guess this is a last-resort if the other two are sold out.

This Takanuva is missing a few parts. The seller notes the missing spear-weapon, and right hand pieces. The seller doesn’t appear to know it is also missing some parts on the legs too. At $49.95, it’s also missing at least 30 bucks off of the bricklink price compared to a complete model, and has free shipping. That might make it worth buying if you happen to have the parts to fix it up, or need the exclusive parts for a MOC. The seller is also taking offers, so maybe you can knock a few bucks off the price, noting the missing leg pieces to the seller.

This Battle For Metru Nui might be missing some smaller parts, the seller isn’t quite sure and didn’t want to guarantee it was 100% complete. $36.99 USD doesn’t seem to bad for it and the instructions, although the shipping will run you about $13.00.

