MOC: LeoStupidMocs Bionicle Moc Collection

LeoStupidMocs has some very impressive creations to show off in this video that clocks in at just under three minutes. Most of the builds are Toa sized, and typically feature a custom built torso. I noticed a considerable amount of attention taken to reduce gaps in many of the designs, whenever it could be done without sacrificing on articulation. This seems to make them feel a bit more “alive” for lack of better words. Even the creations without this attention to the gaps have some interesting details, like the two extra large spines on each side of the Rahkshi character’s back.

You can see more of LeoStupidMocs’ creations here on Youtube. There is not a lot of content in their channel at this time, and I hope that will change before too long. The Bioformers and Transformers video in particular hints at talent I would like to see more of.

