MOC: Turahk Remake

This is a creation by Ryemanni

“I know everyone and their mother has made rahkshi mocs but man, they’re just so fun to work with, so here’s yet another revamp/remake take on Turahk and Lerahk.”


Rahkshi MOCs are always fun to see. Between their official set and movie incarnations, they have inspired a ton of creativity over the years. This Turahk design by Ryemanni leans toward modernizing the original set. Beyond just giving Turahk more articulation, he worked in some tiny details, like the red bushings just before the elbows, and the red shell parts exclusive to the Makuta set to make the colors pop better. In the quote above he mentions a Lerahk too, but I don’t want to spoil everything here, so go check out his Bluesky post to see the other Rahkshi.

As for constructive criticism, I feel like the lower legs could use just a tiny touch of black somewhere to help blend in the colors from the torso and shoulders. Maybe swapping the red ankles, or the parts behind the lower legs for black would do the trick? I would like to see the hands worked on a little more too. The claws are perfect, though I never quite liked just using the pneumatic T connectors to add fingers. I think I would use the excess space on the bar and t-connector where the claws attach to add some other connection points and build out the hand a little more.

Ryemanni does not have much BIONICLE content on his Bluesky account, though you can find his website here, and catch him streaming on Twitch if you want to check out his other forms of creativity, including game development.

