This is a creation by ScrapBotBricks

I like how this creation by ScrapBotBricks turns the parts that are usually hidden under armor into something cosmetic. Topped off with a head reminiscent of a security camera, it makes for a very robotic appearance. It makes me wonder just how big an army of robots I could build using similar techniques with the random leftovers in my part storage.

If I were to offer constructive criticism, I would love to see more greebling used on the limbs, particularly the upper legs. The smooth armor plates look a bit out of place compared to the rest of the construction. I think a custom built pair of hands would really emphasize the robotic design too.

You can see more of ScrapBotBrick’s work here on Youtube. At the time of writing, they mostly have short videos of mechanical themed creations and experiments, including other fun characters built from junky parts, how-to-build videos, and just a bit of stop animation.

