MOC: Motorized Walking Robot

This is a creation by Rollschild

Rollschild’s “Motorized Walking Robot” is a very fun creation to see in action. It does a lot more than walk too, it’s arms, hands, and head are also motorized. He even goes the extra mile and builds the whole thing in shades of gray that match the exposed motors and battery packs, which become part of the aesthetic.

For the constructive criticism segment, there is so much Rollschild could do to make this more functional. Redesigning the legs to walk a bit faster, some extra motors so it could turn at the waste, maybe even running it off a mindstorms system to automate the movements. Personally, I’d love to see an alternate head to make it look more like Mata Nui’s Giant Space Robot form. I think I’d hate it if Rollschild took my advice on any of this though, I think it’s a work of art as it is.

Rollschild does not have much content on their youtube account at this time, though if this is any clue, we can expect to see some excellent mechanical MOCs in the future.

