Myths and Legacy: Old War Rahi 2

Ball Joints of Steel.

Those who’ve followed our work since the beginning may remember that on 7/6/21 was the debut of one of our earliest Myths and Legacy stories: Old War Rahi. Now, three years later to the week, Brutaka and Axonn are back in a dramatic sequel that expands the themes, raises the stakes… and tests the very hearts of our heroes.

Axonn and Brutaka are established agents in the Order, albeit with reputations. But when a villain out of the Axonn and Helryx’s past resurfaces, and when old acquaintances of Brutaka make a return, the pair will have to carry out the most dangerous mission they have faced… all while keeping the Order’s most dangerous secrets. A new adventure begins!

Check out Old War Rahi 2: Part One here!


  1. I know this is unrelated, but I think you guys at the Mask of Destiny team, including Vahkiti, might be overreacting to the situation that happened for months now. I was told I was stalking but I’m pretty sure I was only spamming for a few months. Why was I accused of stalking, when in reality I’ve only been spamming? I think this drama has gone way off the rails and needs to stop.
