MOC: Ragnatek Beast And Molternes

Sowl and Inpherno on DeviantArt teamed up to create these two.

To the left we have the Ragnatek Beast (by Sowl), and on the right, Molternes (by Inpherno). I don’t often see collaborative MOCs like this, though I believe this is a fairly common trend between builders in online communities. These two creations happen to have the advantage of being photographed together, which keeps their colors uniform and helps visualize that they are a team. Molternes’ bulky and rough armor contrasts nicely with the Ragnatek Beast’s skinny and mechanical appearance, making them look like they are from entirely different ecosystems.

As for constructive criticism, I think rounded smooth plates would look great on the exposed underside of the bricks on the beast’s shoulders. It would also give it a more streamlined design, matching the smooth armor on the head better. As for Molternes, the gap in the sword just above the handle looks a little off. I think adding something to the exposed technic pins in that space to bridge the gap would help it look more substantial. Ideally, a large plate could cover the gap, though the sword uses even spacing while most Bionicle parts are odd, so keeping it streamlined would be tricky.

You can see more of Sowl and Inpherno’s creations here on DeviantArt. They each have a unique style, Inpherno’s other creations have an even bulkier design that I find sets them apart, while Sowl’s focus is on creatures that look particularly formidable.

