Free Stuff!

Okay, if you look on the inside surface of any MASK, you should be able to find a three digit code (X-XX) formed into the surface. For instance, if you have a HAU MASK(comes with TAHU, the TOA of fire, and a INFECTED version is used in the BIONICLE™ logo) look right above the little knob that is used to mount the MASK to the TOA’s face. There should be three digits (numbers and/or letters) on the upper half of the oval. This is a ‘MASK CODE’. (I will not be posting these to the website, so you’ll have to find them on your own.) Each TOA comes with a BIONICLE™ mini-CD that can be installed on a PC and is packed full of interesting information on a lot of the currently planned BIONICLE™ releases. When you start the program it will drop you on a screen showing the six GREAT MASKS carved in stone and it will ask you for a MASK CODE. Scroll through the characters to enter a TOA MASK CODE and let it sit for a second or two. (This is probably to prevent people from quickly scrolling through and randomly stumbling across the rest of the MASK CODES. There are 46650 wrong ones and a mere 6 correct ones, so this is a really good way to completely waste a lot of time…) Once it has recognized the MASK CODE, if you place your mouse cursor over the corresponding MASK carving, it will highlight in the color of the TOA it is associated with and you can click on it. If you do so, you will get to watch a short video of that TOA in action followed by a clip of the six TOA arriving at a central location together and then it dumps you into the main program. From here you can explore a pretty sizable chunk of BIONICLE™ mythology. Once you enter a MASK CODE, the program will permanently flag that MASK, so if you enter all six CODES, you can watch any of the six videos without having to reenter them.

Each of the NOBLE MASKS that come with the TURAGA also has a MASK CODE formed into the interior surface, but they don’t work with the mini-CD. If they do work somewhere, I don’t know where it is yet.

Each of the TOA cans has a special label that can be turned to find out the six SECRET WEB CODES. They aren’t much of a secret because you don’t have to peel the label off (I guess the LEGO® guys learned from the ROBORIDERS™ design) and each can has all six SECRET WEB CODES. The trick is that you also have to have the corresponding MASK CODE to use the SECRET WEB CODE. If you go to the main BIONICLE ™ page, you can follow links to find info pages on each of the six TOA. At the bottom of the page you will find a hyperlink called “SECRET WEB CODE”. Click on it and you will be asked to fill in fields for the MASK CODE and SECRET WEB CODE. If you enter them, you will be able to download four sizes of wallpaper and screensavers for either PC or Mac. The wallpapers are the same pictures that can be found on front of the TOA cans. I don’t use screensavers, so I don’t know exactly what they involve right now.

Also from the main BIONICLE™ page you can find out about a raffle for a HAU MASK cast in gold! If you hunt around on the webpage for a while, you should eventually find at least one image of a gold HAU MASK that has a string of glyphs underneath it. The contest page has a PDF file telling you the rules and including a translation code, and all you have to do is find three different gold MASK images, translate the words printed underneath them, fill in the form, and mail it in. Winners will be selected randomly.

I’m not entirely sure about this, but it sounds like there will be more than three gold MASK images to be found, resulting in more than three eligible words. The website is one place where you can find MASK images (I’ve found one, but there might be more) and issues of the LEGO® Mania magazine (available through the LEGO® Club) will also have at least one image hidden within their pages. Finally, there will be BIONICLE™ cars driving around the country and gold MASK images will be posted in outdoor locations that they have visited. This might end up meaning that you can’t win the game without living in certain areas, subscribing to the LEGO® Club, AND having computer access so you can search the website. Or they might post enough images that any one of those criteria will allow you to find three usuable images without having to bother with the other two. Time will tell. Regardless, I will NOT be posting any of the actual image locations or any of the translated words on this site.

