The archive would not be what it is without the combined effort of many, many fans. We make an effort to document here the contributions different individuals have made.
BMP has a long history and some sources have been forgotten over time. If you contributed something to the community that is now hosted on BMP, and you do not see yourself credited, let us know so we can add you to this page.
Additionally, if you are on this page and the name given for you is no longer accurate, please contact us with a correction – contact@biomediaproject.com
- AdLand for Toonami sweepstakes and 2005 playsets commercials.
- AD-RAG.com and ADTOTHEBONE.com for the Toonami sweepstakes and Barraki (Mantax, Takadox, and Carapar) commercials, via Ashurathehedgehog196
- Advance’s YouTube, website, etc for various materials, including a prerelease version of the Barraki short movie, the Piraka product commercial, and the Glatorian commercials
- Analog Memories for the Bohrok-Kal commercial
- annemsk92 for the G2 Nick sweepstakes ad
- Beeslow for backing up Alamy images relating to the movies
- Binkmeister for his 480p upload of Mata Nui Rising
- Biomaniac for the MNOLGII which JMMB edited
- bionicleinspanish for the 2007 Warriors commercial
- BionicleLegendsVideos for the full version of the Galileo feature
- BionicleVidArchive for the Rahi commercial
- Black Six and an anonymous source for multiple internal materials related to BIONICLE’s production
- Bonecrusher6000 for the alternate BIONICLE The Game Action Theme
- Boxturret for the good scan of the instructions for 10023
- Brendan Smith for the Toa Metru product commercial, Takanuva and Makuta commercial in English, Miguzu sweepstakes commercial, and locating the PS2 Bionicle Heroes demo
- brickome for locating the Lego Movie 2 storyboards
- BricksOfSteel for numerous videos missing from our archive
- brodee for noting that we were lacking the full version of the Galileo feature, and pointing us to an upload by BionicleLegendsVideos
- BS01 contributors, especially Triggy, for countless images, serials, and serial images
- Bulik for Lego Digital Designer 1.3
- BZPower and Mask of Destiny for their respective Bionicle Heroes Q&A videos
- Cam McGee for The Legend Reborn trailer
- Captain B. Z’s Video Archive for the 2007 Playset commercial
- Casey Hogue for some Free the Band commercials
- CDCB2 for the Bohrok launch commercial
- Cereal Mad for 2015 teaser commercial
- CG Footloose for the 2006.09.03 Heroes PS2 build
- Chad Orway for scans of the Collector’s Sticker Book, Papercutz 9, and the original encyclopedia
- chaosasgardian475 for Phantoka in-store video
- Cherry Cherep for notifying us of updates on the Creative Capers Instagram
- Chirox_Krika for the BMP4.5 Support Banner
- Christian Faber for the many insights into his work he has shared on Faber Files and beyond
- chuckschwa for multiple Justin Kunz art pieces for LOMN and QFTT
- Crezdonn for images of most of the guidebooks
- cross-wired-freak for images of the novels
- CrunchbiteNuva for some new concept art and the 2006 BIONICLE Style Guide
- Crystal Matrix for so many things, mainly some older archive content. We wouldn’t be doing this without his inspiration – this was his idea.
- dann494 for the Mata-Nui Mini-Disc Mask/Can codes
- Darth Jaller for scans of the Bionicle content in LEGO Adventures!
- Davemon1 for pointing out missing MNOLG Manas episodes
- Demitsorou for putting together a full island map for VNOG
- Denis for the Russian release of BIONICLE Heroes
- Diebeq5b for the compilation of Vahki, Hordika, and Piraka all-in-one episodes
- DiV4 for images from GP
- Doomtay for BIONICLE.com site images and wallpapers, and preserving the Bionicle Jam 2K2
- DuckBricks for working with us and Christian Faber to preserve a number of rare documents
- Dracus360 of YouTube for the Glatorian Arena 1 Theme
- Dylan Gibson for the NickToons Mata Nui spot
- Electric Turahk for the Antroz test animation
- FACS01 for the Spanish/Portuguese movie DVDs
- Fastcar800 for the Mask of Light Prototype Trailer
- Foulowe 59 for Mask of Light and Legends of Metru Nui JP Materials, and for locating many, many promos, commercials, and adverts!
- GaleKnight Entertainment for the 2001 launch commercial
- Galphie for a Web of Shadows teaser
- Ganonthegreat for the full version of Piraka Rap and versions of the Piraka spots with the UK narrator
- Ghost for an HD prerelease version of the Mahri short movie and other vids from their Vimeo
- Ghosthands for Bionicle Movie soundtracks
- GoldenTahu for the BMP4.5 Support Banner
- Gonel for scans of the physical print of Journey’s End
- Goodly88 for photos of the back pages of The Saga of Takanuva!
- Guy Who Knew Too Much for the Bionicle: The Game trailer on some Mask of Light DVDs
- Hall of Advertising for the 2008 Lego Cinema spot
- HappySwordsmen for Rahkshi launch commercial
- Hewkii22 for numerous videos
- Hexadecimal Mantis for many contributions as a staff member, and post-staff: the 2006/09/28 Heroes press demo and Xbox 360 proto of an unknown date
- Ibrahim Habeeb for the Polish edition of the Bionicle history booklet.
- Ignika Warrior for the Robot Showdown wallpapers
- Illuminatus for both the 2006 Nestle commercials, and disk images of every known promo CD
- Ina.fr for the Takanuva & Makuta commercial and the 2006 Quick promotion commercial
- ivanproff for better scans of Challenge of the Rahi
- jesseanderson29 of YouTube for the MNOLG and VNOLG playthroughs
- JMMB for a lot of things, notably the BMP4.0 Favicon
- Johnny Hobbs for the complete Powerpack CD
- JSLBrowning for scans of Mata Nui’s Guide to Bara Magna, Turaga Vakama box art, and for sharing the introduction to Invasion. They also developed the music player introduced to the site in the 2023 update.
- Juanfra Gonzales for Spanish language special edition guardian Toa commercial
- Kamil Drews for the Mask of Light Toonami promo
- Karen Kwok for several commercials
- Khalil the Retro Guy for a Mask of Light TV ad
- Kickflip645 for reminding us where to place the LDD1.3 brick palettes for LDD1.6.
- koda for the 2006/09/28 Heroes press demo
- La Voix d’Ekimu for the PS2 opening and several trailers for Bionicle: The Game, a Quest for the Toa gameplay trailer, a 2002 ad for the Cartoon Network Bionicle sweepstakes, a Toa Metru commercial, a Vahki commercial, Toa Hordika and Visorak commercials, a Barraki commercial, the Mahri product commercial, the 2007 Warriors product commercial, Bionicle 2 and 3 trailers
- LEGO Bionicle account on VK for backing up Stars Afternoons on Toons spots
- LegomationStudio for letting us rehost their BIONICLE The Original Saga THE MOVIE compilation.
- Lehvak Nuva for locating the 2004 bible
- LimeParadox for preserving and sharing the 2003 Unleashed Tour music tracks
- Louis 157 for locating the 2007 Playset commercial
- lugia6 for the Mask of Light extended ending
- Lunekk for the BMP4.0 Banner
- Magnetic 3D for their weird Mahri thing
- MakutaCratak for the Rahi commercial
- MarioMatoro for the Czech version of comic 22
- Matthew for HQ scans of the Bionicle pages in 2004 and 2005 editions of BrickMaster
- MetruNuichannel for the Krekka commercial
- MetruToa for images of Glatorian I
- Michael Cassidy for some misc images, music tracks, andthe 2005 titans commercial
- Mid Blue for scans of Mahri I, Mahri II, Phantoka Toa Nuva, Mistika Toa Nuva, and all the BIONICLE G2 content in the Polish LEGO Club Magazine
- MIKER PHONE for the villager Mighty Kids Meal commercial and the Upper Deck card game commercial
- miniland.nl for many magazine scans
- Mints97 for various games, FreeTheBand, and Cryoshell websites
- misterjulius for the BIONICLE Heroes Mobile, BIONICLE Challenge, and BIONICLE Defenders Soundtracks
- Mr Edgy for the Barraki product commercial
- Mumboking of the Rock Raiders United Forums for LEGO Adventures Issue 6
- Mxyl Valtapaz for G2 materials including art from the app games and the logo from the artbook
- N for collaborating in preserving the many Legends of Metru Nui storyboards on eBay, as well as generally helping with locating numerous materials. located the images of Glatorian I on Brickshelf + the leaked G2 FAQ that was posted on the TTV boards before being lost, and provided scans of the G2 Bionicle magazine, 2008 history booklet, Voiny Barraki 1, and the ads exclusive to the Russian comics.
Natalie Breezfor a few Serials and the Nestle Promo CD- Nathan Parisi for the Takanuva and Makuta product commercial
- Niall.C.Fray for the Destiny War Podcast Chapters 5-9, Riddle of the Great Beings, and Sahmad’s Tale!
- Nullpo for assisting with the 2006.09.03 and 2006.09.28 Heroes PS2 builds
- Nuparu77 for his streaming/download MNOLG1.5 project
- ObscureGamers and Hidden Palace for the 2006/10/11 and 2006/10/16 Xbox Heroes protos
- Old BIONICLE Channel for the Tahu and Gali commercial
- On Board Experimental Marketing for a Free the Band commercial
- ondrik for the 2006.09.03 Heroes PS2 build
- PANGOLIN2 for scans of the rest of the Adventures! Bionicle comics
- Patrick Boivin for the HD upload of his Bionicle Battle Videos
- Patrick Hesser for BIONICLE: The Game tracks
- Pedro Ruiz Reyes for The Legend Reborn matte paintings and concept art
- piso53 for a WIP The Legend Reborn trailer
- Planetperson for the BIONICLE Image Database, editing together a MNOG soundtrack, scanning every BIONICLE page in every BrickMaster magazine, scanning the art from BIONICLE World, providing scans of the TRU DK version of Glatorian #1 (original scanner unknown), and many other contributions
- https://play.tvcf.co.kr/354 for Korean Cheetos/Bohrok commercial
- PooperScooper99 for the Mask of Light Toonami intro and a Legends of Metru Nui promo
- Pow for the 2006 and 07 McDonald’s commercials
- Slumber and thedoctorumbra for the 2003 E3 Press Kit. Slumber also provided the scans of the Proto Squad materials
- Slyninja4444 for: Glatorian Arena Symbols, BH Tracks, Intro for the Toa Videos SFX, Bye Bye Babylon Instrumental, Extended Ga-Koro Underwater Theme Flute, Lhikan’s Death track, Vakama vs. Makuta track, Glatorian+Agori Tracks, Alternate Piraka Font
- RaidMaster Productions for the Mask of Light Trailer
- Roquez for Web of Shadows TV commercial
- rwliddl for the Nestle Promo CD patch file
- Schattenu for The Legend Reborn teaser
- Screenguy for the Quest for the Masks Card scans
- Shockblast for the forum banner
- Signerdragon123 for editing together footage of a Journey to One test animation
- Stealth for unmodified disc images of Bionicle Heroes on PC
- -Tahu Nuva- for the BIONICLE: The Game soundtrack
- TakaNuva111 on Brickshelf for the concept art seen here
- Takua Me for his MNOLGII
- Tarkur for scans of the Quest for the Masks booklets
- Templar for MNOLG concept art and dev notes
- Terrev for the 2001 Lego Software Demo CD, Brickmaster CD, and Legend of Mata Nui Trailer!
- that90sguy for the villager Happy Meal commercial
- TheBioniclePL for a Toa Mahri “Crashed” video and reminding us of the toyspins in the Rahkshi CDs.
- The Brick Show for their recording of the 2014 NYCC panel
- TheGCATMAN81 for Inika in-store video
- The Shadow Emperor for collaborating in preserving the many Legends of Metru Nui storyboards on eBay, as well as generally helping with locating numerous materials.
- TheSkeletonMan939 for The Legend Reborn trailers, TLR Music, and a few misc tracks. Also for locating the set layouts for TLR
- Tim Miller for Blur materials
- tmnttbt for the Phantoka Product commercial
- Toa_Lehvak for the BMP4.5 Support Banner
- Toa Nick for a huge number of serials we were missing, included in v1.4
- Toa Nidhiki05 for images of the QFTT feature in Nintendo Power
- Toa nuriamer for The Legend Lives
- Toa of Mirrors for native higher-res Faber Files images
- Toa of the Blazing Inferno for the Tahnok-Kal disc
- TOA PIRAKA HAKANN for countless LDD versions
- Toa Znake for the Cheetos tazas commercial
- Toatapio Nuva for the Mask of Light CD and a Vahki commercial
- Tokopimv for the Toa Inika CD
- ToonAlong for Takanuva and Makuta commercial
- Torsti for the 2001-2003 BIONICLE Style Guide
- Triangle Entertainment for the RoseArt board games commercial
- Tronec for providing us with his very generous donation of a domain and server, without which we wouldn’t be where we are now, literally and figuratively.
- Turaga of Force for the scan of Swedish/Finnish BIONICLE cipher characters
- Umilio Fido for pens commercial
- Up Tamaru for the Papercutz graphic novels and the Russian Ameet books
- Vintage Kid for 2001 Bionicle launch commercial
- Virux for the BMP4.5 Banner and Support Banner
- Vrahno for his translation of the Hungarian Tale of the Toa
- waj for edition the machine-translated English PDF of Story Selling
- Wolk for the Swedish movie DVDs
- William R. Conley for the Andy Mac video
- Wynn Martin for scans of the readers and the Bohrok Awake story booklet
- Yao Liu for the JP Legends of Metru Nui DVD
- Yutyo for the G2 graphic novels
- Zanthera for HQ scans of the LOMN pages in LEGO Adventures!
- Zendani of Reddit for the Fall 1994 issue of Brick Kicks and Aquazone issue of January-February 1995
- An unknown individual for contributing better scans of Battle for Power 14