In 2014, BMP briefly ran its own podcast. It was preceded by a multi-part interview some BMP staff took part in with TTV.
Episode 1 – TTV Afterpodcast
Our first episode of our new podcast! Today we cover a few things that we’ve been working on and investigating since December, including the long awaited TheThreeVirtues Podcast Chronicler’s Convergence event and our forum RPG. No guarantees on any sort of regular schedule with the podcast, we’re more likely to just do one when we have enough material or we feel like it.
Running time: 46:23
Hosts: Mints97, XONAR, Vahkiti, Auron
Episode 1 Rundown:
- TTV Podcast
- City of Legends ISO release
- BIONICLE The Game modding
- BIONICLE Heroes modding
- Media Submission update
- Music Archive updates
- Video Archive updates
- Homepage changes
- Nathan Furst’s BIONICLE Movie Soundtracks
- Bionicle Heroes Soundtrack updates
- GBA game redistribution discussion
- Vahkiti’s Nuva Cube Lamp plans
Episode 2 – Jan – Mar 2014 Updates
Some updates for the things we’ve done in early 2014 since our last podcast.
Running time: 2:00:59
Podcast start time: 58:19
Hosts: XONAR, Vahkiti, Auron
Guest: Josefina the Catgirl (QSKSw)
Episode 2 Rundown:
- MNOLG Online Game CE Project
- Site page updates
- Vahkiti’s Playthroughs
- Streaming Music
- LMP Pages
- Swert’s DeviantArt
- Odd things with LEGO images officially released
- Faber Files Updates
- Lego “Press CDs”
- Bara Magna Comic 2 English Scans
- Bionicle 2: City of Legends (xbox beta) iso release
- Legend of Mata Nui
- BIONICLE Sites Archival Project