BioMedia Project Staff contribute materials and help maintain the site. We work together to prevent BIONICLE media from being lost to time. Our website is maintained through WordPress and our materials archive is managed via FTP.
We expect BMP staff to:
- Be generally responsive to contact, including keeping in touch on the staff Discord server
- Be technically proficient in the subject they want to work on (e.g. if you want to add videos, you should know how to back them up from online sources while maintaining original quality/preserving metadata). You don’t need to be an expert, but having a bit of experience helps!
- Be self-motivated to work on their subject of interest that they wish to contribute to the archive
Work is self-assigned and self-structured. We work on this stuff because we like it!
To apply, send an email with the title “[BMP] Staff Application” without quotes to contact@biomediaproject.com.