DuckBricks has relayed to us a request from LEGO that the 2009 content recently published to BioMedia Project be taken offline, and we have complied. We apologize for the disappointing news!
DuckBricks has relayed to us a request from LEGO that the 2009 content recently published to BioMedia Project be taken offline, and we have complied. We apologize for the disappointing news!
We need to find a way to get the stuff back. I hope we can. This is good treasure. Good thing I remember that YouTube video about Duck Bricks explaining the original plans for the 2009-2011 trilogy.
It’s not disappointing as long as you archived everything.
Look, you got me, overseeing everything. I know what they’re future holds. Maybe one day, they will see that it’s wrong to do so.
I really hope they archive everything, man. I wish that Duck Bricks guy had presented everything in detail in YouTube sooner rather than one tidbit at a time. You know what I mean?
Luckly, I have just the links:
IF you want to accept them, at least.
Sorry I’m late.