The RAHKSHI Mini CD-ROMs were distributed in only some of the RAHKSHI canisters. You had to search carefully to get these CDs. To add to the confusion, with the exception of VORAHK, the staff printed on each disc did not correspond to the RAHKSHI with which it was packed. This disc (part number 4204554) came with GUURAHK, contains information about GUURAHK, but shows TURAHK’s staff.
Each RAHKSHI disc opens with a movie of the RAHKSHI zipping about in a place of many mysterious columns, causing havoc most everywhere. Later, TAKANUVA wanders into the same place and looks around. The main screen on this disc offers looks at TAKANUVA and GUURAHK. If you click on GUURAHK, you can explore his staff, find out more about the KRAATA, spin a 3-D model, or watch a GUURAHK-specific movie demonstrating that you don’t always have to walk around those pesky columns. From the main menu, there are also wallpaper images available on the disc: