The BOHROK-KAL were not much different from their BOHROK predecessors in construction, but most of them came with Mini CD-ROMs. Each BOHROK-KAL got his own CD. This is KOHRAK-KAL’s CD (Part #4199270).
The RAHKSHI all shared their CDs with TAKANUVA. Each of the BOHROK-KAL share their CD with their like-colored TOA NUVA. Here, KOHRAK-KAL shares his CD with KOPAKA NUVA.
No games here either, but each CD does feature a BOHROK-KAL specific CGI movie. KOHRAK-KAL demonstrates that you don’t necessarily need fancy hand shields to bring down a Kini if you know how to use your head.

These CD-ROMs also gave us our first peeks at the BIONICLE™ video games, the Mask of Light movie, and MAKUTA’s mask.