This full-size CD-ROM, known as the BOHROK Swarm CD, was included with the April 2002 issue of Nintendo® Official Magazine , Issue 115, in the United Kingdom. If this seems a bit of a stretch for relevance, keep in mind that the first BIONICLE® GBA game had already been released. Not enough? NOM threw in a contest where the winners could win BIONICLE GBA games and BOHROK sets.

The CD was later also reported available in the Netherlands and New Zealand. If I had to choose to keep just one BIONICLE CD, based on content, this might be the one because of its breadth of content. Wallpapers? MATORAN, TOA, and BOHROK, usually in multiple resolutions. Movies? TOA and BOHROK and some video not available anywhere else. Building instructions? Yes, for all six BOHROK, along with video! Games? We have games!
Those of you still suffering withdrawal symptoms from the Mata Nui Online Game would do well to find this CD as it has both the POHATU/NUI-JAGA game and the Final MATORAN/Rahi battle game:

In addition, this CD was the first appearance of the much-delayed, never-completed “The Battle for Mata Nui” game. It would be almost a year later before BfMN went online, virtually unchanged. This image shows the overall “Games” menu, based on the “double-B” BIONICLE logo, with BfMN selected:

Finally, there are two tools for collectors as well, a KANOHI page and a KRANA page:

The KANOHI lack the misprints, and the KRANA would soon lack the KRANA-KAL, but for the casual collector these pages work quite well. The camera lets you capture your collection to use as wallpaper or just send to your friends.
Finally, the CD also includes the Desktop TOA and Desktop BOHROK “toys”.