Big Momma

I blame it all on Peter Guenther. He’s the one who suggested that I should make a giant Fleebnork out of BIONICLE® parts, and while my first thought was that it wasn’t possible with the limited supply if trans-neon green parts, I just couldn’t get the idea out of my mind. Eventually I realized that if I used light-green parts (which are about the same shade as TNG), my PAKU-JAGA design was fairly close to what I’d need.

The one big problem that I have (aside from the fact that not every single part is TNG) is that the radar dish is both a bit too small and of the webbed variety. The instant the 8-wide (or even the solid 6-wide) becomes available in trans-neon green, this little critter learns what it’s like to be a hermit crab.

Attaching the radar dish proved to be the biggest challenge, as I needed to figure out a way to convert from TECHNIC® to studs in a very small space, and I had to stick to pieces that were available in light-green and trans-neon green. The design I came up with had the added benefit of bulking out the body to more accurately match the minifig-scale scorpion.

I had to get rid of the TECHNIC balls, since they don’t come in any shade of green. BOHROK eyes were not only the right color, but, attached to the head, they did a fair job of recreating the mouth of the minifig-scale scorpion. The tail was a different story. In order to make the tail stand out after the radar dish was stuck on top, I had to make it a lot longer. This dramatically emphasized how skinny the tail was, so I squeezed in a few more pieces to fatten up the back end of the torso.

