I brought home a puzzle today. It said “BIONICLE ® ” on the front and had a picture of the PIRAKA and Voya Nui on it. I opened it up and dumped out all of the pieces.
And there were lots of pieces. I recognized the TURAGA and the MATORAN of Mata Nui. I also recognized the PIRAKA and the MATORAN of Voya Nui. The TOA NUVA were here too, but those pieces did not fit quite the way I had expected. Most unexpected, but most definitely welcome, was a piece with the red star from the 2001 storyline.
And there were other pieces. These pieces I had not seen before, but they seemed to have come from a familiar Greek myth or a science fiction movie like Logan’s Run or The Black Hole .
It was all rather confusing and somewhat frustrating. I did not see how all of these pieces of the puzzle could fit together. But I kept at it. Eventually I had large, recognizable patches that were occasionally linked together with a tenuous piece here or there.
I am not finished with the puzzle. It turns out that I don’t have all of the pieces yet. I am fairly certain that I still need one with the Mask of Life on it, for example.
But I can tell you this. What was ugly and disjointed at the beginning is suddenly a beautiful work of art after all of the pieces have fallen into place. I can’t wait to finish this puzzle!
I brought home a puzzle today. Wait. Did I write puzzle ? I meant book . I brought home a book today: BIONICLE Legends #2: Dark Destiny .