Concept Art: Deep Encounter 07

This concept art by BIONICLE co-creator Christian Faber is entitled Deep Encounter 07.

It’s a prototype piece for the BIONICLE 2007 lineup, depicting an early version of Toa Mahri Nuparu in combat with an unknown, multi-appendaged sea creature.

I remember when this was first uploaded back in early 2015. I was always so curious about the Prototype Nuparu on display. How the torso was constructed, what pieces were used in the legs, etc. Looking at it now, I wonder if this was a render or the result of image manipulation, since the Cordak Blaster and Nuparu’s mask both have the trademark ridged look of a physical prototype.

As a mock-up of what 2007 would entail for BIONICLE, it encapsulates the conflict well: the sleek, biomechanical hero locked in combat with an unknown but definitely organic beast beneath the waves. There’s a sense of action and tension in the piece, and it works to pitch the year in a single image.

You can find more of Christian Faber’s work here.

