Fan Art: Tahu Sketch

This untitled fan art by Myth366 depicts Tahu, Toa of Fire.

Like Myth366’s sketch of Pohatu, the colors in this piece are used in splendid fashion to draw attention to the subject — Tahu is practically glowing with flame-like energy — while providing an intriguing background that both suits the character and, in the top right corner of the piece, implies something — what, one wonders? — drawing near, provoking Tahu into an offensive stance.

Tahu’s personality is captured succinctly and effectively, with his fiery eyes, his scowling Kanohi, and his blade burning like an inferno, all working together to depict a Toa of Fire who is ready for a fight — a fight in which he wasn’t the provocateur, perhaps, but a fight in which his opponent is going to be kept on the defensive.

You can see more of Myth366’s work here.

