Inside The Kiosks

MoD reader John, who will be working at one of the Kiosks, let us know a few more specific details about how they will be operated, and what they will sell.

First of all, Waldenbooks will be supplying the personel to staff the Kiosks, but while working at the Kiosks, the staff will actually be working for (though not actually employed by) The LEGO® Group, which means that they aren’t allowed to give out any privileged information, like anything pertaining to sales figures.

What he was able to tell us is that his Kiosk has a list of what types of product they will be receiving, and the child-sized foam TOA weapons are on that list, though they haven’t arrived yet. Presumedly, every Kiosk will be stocked with the same basic assortment of merchandise, but there’s no official confirmation of that yet.

Oddly enough, he doesn’t remember seeing any Soccer sets on the list. Considering how often that line is stated to be one of the top sellers, it’s a bit surprising that they will not be stocking it at all.

