It kinda surprises me to see MOCs this good being sold on eBay. By the time I’ve made something like this, I’d be too attached to let it go. I guess for some other builders, it’s no different than artists using paints and other physical mediums to make a living. Talking to builders like Paul Heatherington and Jonathan Lopes, I learned some companies will rent or buy creations of all sizes to display in their lobbies, and sometimes commission replicas of their workplace. The LEGO LUG I’m apart of often gets requests to loan creations to fill a display space. I suppose it makes sense that BIONICLE MOCs would be no different, although a little more of a niche market.
The seller is asking $269.99 USD for this MOC, not including shipping. There is no doubt this is a work of art, though I’m not sure how you would judge it’s value. You can buy a lot of parts for the same price and make your own big MOC, though the cost of shipping the parts to replicate this exact creation from Bricklink would surely exceed the seller’s asking price.