Market Watch: Krana Collection

A listing for a complete set of the original krana with a technic frame display is now up for auction. The seller is in Canada, and the current bid at time of writing is “C $51.00 Approximately US $38.31“. Be sure to research the import fees, it looks like there will be upwards of 4% import tax if it crosses the border into the USA.

If you have the patience and resourcefulness to find sellers with no minimum purchase fees, you might manage to get a complete set of the original 96 krana for as low as $200.00. That assumes you can find Bricklink sellers with each krana for no more than a dollar, and about a dollar shipping. Unfortunately most sellers have minimum buys and are spread across the world, so shipping that cheaply from everyone is not likely. However, If you have friends in the BIONICLE community, they should be your first stop. Longtime fans sometimes have formidable piles of these things they are willing to sell or trade to other collectors for far cheaper.

I am by no means an expert, so don’t take this as a definitive pricing guide: If your not interested in the thrill of the hunt, I suggest this complete set is worth about $400.00 USD. I’d say at least $200.00 of that price is a “collector’s convenience fee”. I base this mostly on the eBay seller SoCal Bricks N Figs. As one of the cheaper sellers I could find, they have a few complete color sets of 8 krana for about $32.99 before shipping. Although they lack a full set of all krana or krana kal, multiplying their asking price times 12 for each original krana color set, that comes to $395.88 before shipping. I would personally steer away from paying much more than that.

