Market Watch: MOCs on eBay

I’m coming up a little bit dry on finding deals at the moment, so I’ll take the opportunity to point out an interesting trend I’ve seen on eBay. There appears to be a pretty big market for MOCs!

The prices typically range between 60-100 bucks for something toa to titan sized, and the value of the parts is likely to be much less than that unless you calculate the shipping costs of those same parts on eBay to build it yourself. However, the true value of any art is what anyone is willing to pay for it.

I see plenty of sellers that seem a bit sketchy to me, wording their creations in a way that their “BIONICLE Dark Hunter” can be mistaken by uninformed customers for an actual set. I’m also curious how some of these listings have sold dozens of units for prices around a hundred bucks each.

However, other sellers, like aldendykstra and his shop, are very clear about what your getting. aldendykstra even points out any illegal connections he’s used in the creation, and provides multiple photos to give you a better idea of it’s construction. This is the MOC on his shop that originally caught my attention:

I admit I’m not keen on paying $65.00 bucks for this (5 of that is shipping), but it’s clearly a work of art if you ask me.

This one however is my favorite. Listing for $50 bucks (not including the 5 shipping), it’s still too steep for me. Although, it may be a small price to pay if you need a Pohatu to put on top of a wedding cake, or in a blue box.

