Market Watch: Polybag Box

This listing is probably something you would not buy unless you were a collector and wanted the box (which they have 8 of at time of writing). At $425.00 USD and free shipping, it’s not exactly cheap and well over MSRP ( About $72.00 USD MSRP if compared to the boxed packs from the USA). However, the polybags average out at $17.70 each, which is pretty cheap compared to the next closest Bricklink seller with that many polybags available.

A sealed Boxor for $99.95 USD (and about 10 bucks shipping) is not bad considering they are running upwards of 150 bucks. This particular box is a bit creased and worn, although other listings are just as bad on Bricklink despite being 50 bucks more.

If you need an orange mask of time, candcgames on eBay has you covered for the very reasonable price of 5.75 USD plus shipping. The price gets lower if you buy more than one, going as cheap as $4.60 when you buy 4 or more.

Lastly, this listing for “Bionicle Custom Ovak” caught my attention. I personally wouldn’t pay 60 bucks for it, so I’m just including it because the “hammer” looks cool and wanted to share it with our readers.

