Market Watch: Sealed Sidorak

Sidorak originally retailed for $19.99 USD in the United States. Nowadays a sealed set seems to run a minimum of $140.00 shipping from Austria on Bricklink, ignoring shipping and import charges. BrickEconomy suggests it’s worth over $170 in the box.

Update: Got my links mixed up, the eBay link takes you to the right place now, thank you Boxturret!

For those of us in the USA, a seller on eBay has one for only $102.00 USD before shipping. There is a caveat though, the box is not exactly in “collectors” condition. The front of the box has held up pretty well aside from some scraping on a corner or two, but the back and sides are looking considerably crunched. I would encourage you to track down a pre-owned Sidorak for much cheaper, unless you want the experience of opening and building a Sidorak with new parts and are willing to splurge.

Additionally, I’ve noticed eBay sometimes tries to lure you back in on items you’ve viewed by emailing you discount offers after the fact, some patience might knock another 20’sh dollars off the price.

