This listing of mostly complete pre-owned figures doesn’t look like too bad a deal for $129.99 USD, although shipping is separate and eBay estimates it at another 25 bucks for me. The seller does have an “or best offer” button, so you might be able to snag them for a bit cheaper if nobody else beats you out. It looks like a decent grab bag of parts for MOCers to experiment with, although the missing pieces here and there would likely be problematic for collectors.
I checked some, but not all of the figures on bricklink and found mixed results on pricing and shipping. Some were as low as $6.00 and as high as $16.60 before shipping costs were calculated. As-is, this would cost me an average of 12 bucks a figure after shipping, which doesn’t sound too bad compared to placing 13 different orders on Bricklink and hoping the shipping from 13 different sellers comes out cheaper.
Although, you could be like Ranaki who just happened to stumble upon a batch of K-2S0 sets marked down to 4 bucks each at Walmart back in 2017 and taunt us all with this: