MaskOfDestiny turns 22 years old!

MaskOfDestiny would not have made it this far without our readers, community members, and affiliates over the years. Thank you all for your support, and I look forward to seeing what else the BIONICLE community brings to fruition.

Even now, the BIONICLE community is strong, and it’s often reflected at the local LEGO fan events when I get to attend them. I was surprised by how many people correctly recognized my creations as BIONICLE MOCs at the last BrickUniverse Raleigh show. The public often mistakes them for “Transformers!” “Robots!”, “What is this, this isn’t LEGO”. A couple of my MOCs in particular keep getting called Bumblebee, and I recently added “Aliens!” to the list of incorrect descriptions.

This year however, I had a record number of people saying “BIONICLE!” when checking out my display. It outnumbered the people calling it something else, when usually it’s the other way around. Even children who seemed too young to recognize the G2 series were getting it right. I would guess the average adult attending the public hours this year were the same generation that had BIONICLE when they were kids. Like us, they enjoyed the toys too much to have forgotten it, and passed it along to their own kids even after the theme was missing from store shelves. We also have the entirety of the BIONICLE community to thank for keeping the theme fresh in everyone’s mind with daily posts of MOCs, art, and stories across social media.

Regardless if they were long time members of the fan community, or someone who just remembered it from their childhood, it’s encouraging to see the theme has not simply been forgotten.

