MOC: All In The Family

This is a MOC (or a series thereof) by Grax TheWanderer

At first Grax’s creation just looks like a mass of parts tangled together to create a zombie-like monster. It is however, much more complicated than that. It is 5 separate zombie MOCs pieced together much like the decepticon Devastator. Grax also took the time to build the 5 contributing MOCs in stages, showing the progression of their infection.

I find it impressive how well they form into a single homogenized creature, and I couldn’t tell the individual MOCs were still intact. Until the video outlines where each of the MOCs are, I was certain it was a whole other MOC, built from the same colored parts.

You can see more of Grax TheWanderer’s work here on youtube and Instagram. The MOC featured above is part of a larger story, including a series of other MOCs and an episodic stop animated horror series, called Fault and Fracture. If your interested in the stop animated series, be sure to read the warnings that play beforehand, Grax warns of language, gore, and potential epilepsy triggers.

