MOC: Antlion III

This was heavily inspired by some of the Movieverse Transformer designs (especially with Blackout, Brawl and a bit of Shockwave.) I was attempting to give it that intricate and greebly robotic look that a bunch of them had, while trying not to go too overboard on the textures. There’s a lot of smooth and angular surfaces on top of gears, pipes and vents. The bot is also pretty armed to the lense.


I’m cheating a little here by borrowing a quote from a previous incarnation of this creation, the AS-3 Antlion. I imagine Veleno’s inspirations are mostly the same, although he noted this version was inspired by “Armada Demolishor and the 07 Movie game drones“.

There’s not much I can say that the readers can’t already see; This thing is gorgeous. You can spend an hour just looking at all the tiny little details, like the minifigure arms comprising the lower half of the face, and the bladed claws just behind the knees to round out the thighs.

The lower arms do look a touch out of place without as much tan, however they have remained mostly unchanged across each version. My guess is this is actually an intentional design choice, reflecting the functionality of the arms as cannons rather than a military show-piece.

Before I end this MOC feature, I would encourage you to take a look at the ttv board topic where Veleno posted the previous iterations and take a moment to scroll all the way through and check out each of the revisions. Though this is the latest in a long series of revamps, I found myself equally impressed by the techniques used on each major revision.

