MOC: BIONICLE Animations

These creations are by Nice Lad SM

These were originally gonna be background videos for a scripted talk about my Bionicle Matoran MOCS and what techniques I used to create them. It would be edited similarly to an RR Slugger video if that helps at all.

It just didn’t work out. The script was off and I didn’t go in depth enough. I may make a video later that’s just a showcase, but that video did give me practice for script making. That will hopefully be helpful later on.

Nice Lad SM

I really like the mechanical appearance of the MOCs in this video. There is no question these characters are living machines, and most of them look like they have been around for a while. Each one only shows up for a few seconds, although it’s all you really need to give some ambiance to the scene and make the character feel alive. Stop animation takes a lot of work in itself, especially with animation this smooth, though Nice Lad SM took the time to experiment with lighting effects and musical ambiance too.

You can see more of Nice Lad SM‘s work here on youtube. Most of his videos are just a few seconds long, and typically feature stop animation of BIONICLE and FNAF characters. In the other videos I checked out to better understand his work, he experiments with different effects, sound, lighting and etc, and the results are impressive.

