MOC: Cats dogs and robots’ Creations

This collection of MOCs is by Cats dogs and robots

Cats dogs and robots’ youtube channel primarily features his pets and BIONICLE creations, so this video focuses on the “robots” part of his channel’s name. In about 7 minutes, he shows off his collection of MOCs and some other odds and ends. He doesn’t spend much time on each MOC, though it quickly gives you look at a bunch of interesting creations, while also giving you some insight into how his building technique has changed over the years. I like to call videos like this a “convention experience”, it’s a lot like going table to table at a LEGO fan show, looking at everyone’s unique creations while the crowd moves you along.

As for the constructive criticism segment, for a presentation like this I’d focus on giving a little more time to each creation and try to reduce the shakyness of the camera. Some better lighting might also help highlight the details on some of the creations too. I believe a tripod to hold the camera still in front of each MOC for a moment would greatly improve the presentation. I think his creations would look great on one of those motorized turntables, maybe talking about each MOC while allowing it enough time for a full rotation or two would be the perfect way to pace a video like this?

If you want to see more of Cats dogs and robots’ creations, most of his videos are in the shorts format here on youtube. Living up to the other parts of his channel’s name, you will also see some very pretty cats, dogs, and a few other animals.

