MOC: Four Armed Axe Wielder

Four Armed Axe Wielder

This is another MOC by KDNX from our discord (who went by wyatt back when we featured their Ice Planet themed Toa). This time, it’s a titan sized creation, and a cannon character who has no official name and just a brief description. According to BS01, he makes his appearances in Dwellers In Darkness and Destiny War.

I basically completely had a vision going into the MOC, I knew I wanted to use metallic green ever since I originally read about the character. I used Galva’s old Mask of Clairvoyance because it most closely matched the “face” I had imagined.


I love the colorscheme, although I did originally mistake the metallic green for gold. I will never object to purple, and it looks great for the tiny detailing used in this character. The various hooked and curved pieces throughout the creation also give it an ornate appearance in line with Axonn and Brutaka.

The only thing I can find fault with is the axe itself. It looks just a bit too basic compared to the wielder, particularly the exposed axle/handles. That may be an intentional design choice though, in line with a weapon not having to look cool to do it’s job. I think adding a bohrok eye onto the axes’ exposed axles, pointed inward toward the handle would be a tiny detail to improve upon it with that in mind.

