This is a MOC designed by The Orange Brick on Rebrickable, and the photograph below is a recreation of the MOC by Twitter user Noah/Michael.

Below we have the MOC as photographed by The Orange Brick himself for his Rebrickable page, who designed a version with the Matoran Script on the left and right sides.

Looks like TheOrangeBrick designed and uploaded this alternate model of The LEGO Group’s World Map 31203 just a couple months before Nicolas Vás posted his own design. I only learned about it today thanks to Noah/Michael, who built it using The Orange Brick’s instructions and posted it on Twitter. Much like Nicolas’ design, you can get all the parts you need from set 31203. While it is an outstanding MOC on it’s own, its also intended to be a fairly accessible MOC (if you can afford the World Map set) to recreate and act as base to customize it to your own taste.
I think both maps are great for different reasons, though I personally like TheOrangeBrick‘s version better overall. The island is detailed in color rather than white and tan studs, and the ocean looks more natural without the Nuva symbols filling up the excess space. The black of the bare plate behind it also adds some nice contrast. Comparing it to official images of BIONICLE’s Mata Nui Island, he did a good job matching the colors with the pieces available in the set. I can also tell you from experience, it will be much quicker and easier on your hands to build. I built Nicolas Vás design over the course of two days, and my hands were sore part-way through installing all the white studs. After a few hundred of those, the studs on top actually kinda hurt to press down, and the segments using smooth topped tiles become a relief.
As far as constructive criticism goes, everything that I don’t like actually turns into a feature. This MOC has a lot of empty space on the frame, and leaves you with even more unused parts than the world map already gives you (about half a large pick-a-brick cup to give builders some leeway to customize it). If you can’t find a way to use these parts, then its kinda a waste, though also an opportunity to customize the map to your own preferences. There are more than enough leftover parts to do things like swap Tahu’s face for Lewa, Kopaka, or Gali. I personally like the idea of attaching the original 6 toa masks in place of the BIONICLE text, along with Takanuva and Makuta’s mask.
If you want to see more of The Orange Brick’s work, they have other MOCs on Rebrickable you can check out. All of these MOCs have instructions available, either for free (Including the Mata Nui map), or for purchase if you want to support their MOC building efforts.