This is a MOC by ForgeOfSpherusMagna
The brawn and brains of the team, Mundus used to work in the archives of Onu-Metru back as a Matoran, before disappearing to the wider world as an explorer. When he became a Toa of Earth, he appeared larger than any of the usual Toa and was nicknamed the Half-Giant after he came to the Toa Exultia on Spherus Magna.
Forge put a great deal of effort into the shape, color, and the story behind each of his Toa Exultia characters, Mundus being my favorite of the group. Although the shoulders stand out and really define the character, each limb has it’s own interesting construction details to check out. I’m especially curious what the lower legs look like in motion, it appears that portions shift in an interesting way when posing the foot. You can see more pictures of Mundus here on DeviantArt along with the other Toa Exultia.
As for constructive criticism, I have to really nitpick to come up with anything. With that in mind, the upper arms do look good, though they’re just a bit basic compared to everything else. I’d keep the skull warrior armor plate but try to connect it differently while filling in the gaps a bit more. The club also looks a bit basic, I would either try to add a few tiny details to it to set it apart, or build a whole new club out of smaller parts.
If you like ForgeOfSpherusMagna‘s building style, he has about 25 pages of Toa and Titan sized MOCs you can check out on his DeviantArt page. He has plenty of original characters as well as redesigns of classic BIONICLE characters in some interesting styles. You can also see how the design for his current Toa Exultia evolved over the years.