MOC: Nemesis

This is a creation by Đèxter Bolat

Đèxter Bolat’s Nemesis stands 75cm (About 30 inches, or 2 and 1/2 feet) tall. I mistook it’s height for something smaller in the video, my only clue to it’s actual height was how much the creation towered over Dexter’s cats. It’s fully articulated too, and can even bend down at the waist. I like the spiny and organic appearance, I can imagine it as a monster in one of the horror movies it’s being displayed in front of.

As for constructive criticism, it could maybe use some minor tweaks to cover up some of the joints better, like at the hips and shoulders. The underside of the head might benefit from some brighter reds to help define the face a little better too.

You can see more of Đèxter Bolat’s work on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. He seems to favor building titan sized creations with an emphasis on “Titanic”, and yet without sacrificing on articulation.

