MOC: Skadki of Light

TakuaNova made this unnamed dark hunter “in an effort to slap a lot of gold parts together”. He wound up using the character in an RSG game, where he received his light element as a result of a Makuta experiment. When asked about the character’s motivations, being both a dark hunter and a light elemental, TakuaNova explained this dark hunter is convinced he’s doing “the right thing”, although his idea of “the right thing” is skewed.

For something “slapped together”, it’s a big improvement over the basic piraka design. I dare say it’s a more finished looking product than the Irnakk set, which the exclusive gold piraka spine and much of the tubing came from. The armor comes together very well to give him depth, and I especially like how the tubing is wrapped and folded down from his shoulders to keep the torso from looking as hallow.

