Doctor Bob: Hi, everybody; back from the dead to post my latest MOC, the Elemental Lord of Fire. As the topic description implies, he’s based on the graphic novel picture of the six elemental lords. Since all that I could see (besides the flames) was what looked like a reversed Nynrah Ghost Blaster and a shield-thing, that’s what I put on him. The inspiration came from my attempt to audition for his role in the upcoming fan-made serial, titled: Their Mistake from Bionicle: Untold. Doubt I’ll win the part, though .
Without any further delay, here he is:
“Custom” Huna
Torso Close-up
Cruddy Leg Design
Nynrah Flamethrower… Thing
Like it? Hate it? Constructive criticism? Please comment!
~Doctor Bob You can see Doctor Bob’s Elemental Lord OF Fire as he originaly presented it to our site here on the forums .