MOC Spotlight, Noxus: AntiToa of Darkness

Noxus will be the first to tell you that this MOC isn’t the most original, in fact he cleared it with me privately before even posting it on the forums since he borrowed a design to make it. It is still a worthy creation, with his own personal touch, and makes me want to break out some silver and black pieces of my own. -Imatron

Noxus: Since I’m new here, I figured I’d post my original BIONICLE® character I made a while back on BZP. He’s had a long evolution, started out as your typical matoran and evolved into what I have him as today.

Noxus is the AntiToa of Darkness. I don’t remember much of the background I had for him because that was YEARS ago, but I will probably smash something together and piece together a decent background for him once again. He originates from a BIONICLE universe that my friends and I made up to do a roleplay.

From what I do remember about his backstory, he was a simple Fire based matoran at first with a red body and silver mask/parts. Over the course of our Roleplay, he developed into a Toa of Light (I was sooooo original!) and due to some mysterious events that I can’t place my finger on right now somehow became an AntiToa of Darkness during the conflict with the Makuta of that Universe. After that, he became somewhat of a “Guardian of Shadows” and an anti-hero (Ironic as AntiToa would mean the same thing, perhaps?) of sorts.

His coloration, currently, is Black and Silver. He dons the Kanohi Avohkii, which ironically is a mask of light. His weapon, dubbed the “Darkness Edge” has had several forms, the current one resembling a mixture of a glave and an axe. His left arm is mutated into a large clawed arm. His true abilities remain uncertain, however due to his experience he has a strong affiliation with the element of Light and Darkness, moreover, Darkness.

Personality: Somewhat cool and calm, though he can have a fiery temper if you manage to piss him off. He seems to know too much for his own good.

In order to make this MOC, I had to look up inspiration online. Personally I SUCK with BIONICLE and I cannot make anything worth a large pile of kratta without having some sort of imagery or inspiration. I found a body type I enjoyed thanks to this guy Click Here to See on Then I added my own personal touches, which include the mask, arm style, claw, and weapon. I’ll have more pictures over time, possible.

For now, this is Noxus.

You can see Noxus’ original forum topic in this link .

