This is a MOC by twitter user Hunter @ScreeTut2000

I just finished my first foray into virtual constraction MOC!! I’m super proud of it, especially since a) virtual constraction is a lot harder for me than physical and b) I haven’t tried anything Bionicle since I was a kid
Learning how to build with BIONICLE/CCBS parts in sounds challenging, especially with the extra angles and positioning you have to work for ball joints. I could hardly figure out how to build with system bricks using digital building software. I find it impressive Hunter managed to build a MOC this good with a theme he hasn’t touched in a long time, while learning how to work with the software. This isn’t just a simple build either, everything has been custom built from a bunch of smaller pieces. Hunter could have taken a shortcut here and there, like using the part 90609 for the upper arms, he put in the extra effort to build it from smaller pieces instead. I particularly like how the lower legs flare out at the ankles, emulating the wider end of Tahu’s lower leg from the original set.
If I were to offer constructive criticism, a I think a part here and there could benefit from a change of color. The lower torso where the legs connect looks a bit flimsy too, connected by a single 2 stud long axle. If the MOC is intended for display only, this isn’t really a problem. My personal preference is to make MOCs that can survive a bit of play without falling apart though, I think I would reinforce it by using a Axle 3L with Stoper and threading it though another part or two like the Liftarm Thin 1 x 2.
If you want to check out more of Hunter’s content, you can find his Twitter account here, including more pictures of his Tahu MOC. I’m not seeing much in the way of other MOCs, but he does have some fun BIONICLE posts every now and then, like a series going over the different BIONICLE projectiles and launchers.