MOC: The Hordika Dragons

“It is sad to think that so many beings refuse to abide by their agreements and attempt to withhold pay, forcing me to use the Hordika Dragons to get it.” -The Shadowed One.

A revamp of the Bionicle canon creatures, Hordika Dragons as my contribution of the dark hunters collab, a celebration of 810nicle Day and Bionicle’s 20th anniversary!


With 810NICLE DAY fast approaching, I thought this creation by AjRed17 from last year’s celebrations would be a good choice for this week’s featured creation. The combination of greebling, CCBS, and system pieces came together very well. I particularly like the three-bladed spinner on it’s raised back, which gives the “Hordika” part of it’s name some authenticity. Given it’s short wing length, the spinner looks like it could be used to supplement it’s flight abilities.

The only fault I can see with the design is that you can’t really pose the end of the tail very well, and there are a few parts that don’t looks like they are attached very well. However, sometimes you have to make sacrifices in the name of style, and I can’t argue with the outcome.

I recommend that you check out AjRed17’s Hordika Dragon flickr page, where you can find links to many other MOCs by the talented builders who also participated in the Dark Hunters collaboration.

If you want to see more of AjRed17’s work, you can find their flickr page here, which often features BIONICLE creations combined with greebling to make some very unique creatures in large and small sizes.

