MOC: The Three Stooges

Minirigby wanted to make use of Metru Nui torsos while producing a character with an unusual body shape in line with their leader Bomonga. His project resulted in these three creations, who he currently refers to as Big Red, Lean Green, and Thunder Thighs.

Introducing The Three Stooges, Toa Bomonga’s former teammates before he was recruited by Makuta Teridax. They share a single braincell between the three of them, and only refer to Bomonga as “boss”.

“Boss showed us how to clobber right.”
“Yeah, Boss is great.”
“I miss Boss, wonder where he is.”

The Three Stooges

Personally Big Red is my favorite of the three — the hulking and wide body format reminds me of the early promotional images of Onua. The mix of red and gray looks great, and somehow the mask seems to work great with his bulky design.

I think Lean Green is supposed to add contrast by being taller and skinnier than his compatriots, but I find him just a bit too basic compared to the others. Perhaps further extending his limbs would have done the job?

Thunder Thighs reminds me of Pohatu, and likely takes inspiration from him, complete with a leg kicking mechanism.

You can see more of Minirigby’s creations and even some impressive custom masks on his Instagram. Also, be sure to visit his Tumblr to check out some fan fiction and some excellent artwork.

