This is a creation by turboplow
turboplow put together a pretty good presentation in his video “My ULTIMATE Mantax Bionicle MOC!“. In the first few minutes, he covers the MOC itself, a towering revamp of the Barraki Mantax set. In the later parts of the video, he talks about the construction process while explaining some of the techniques he used. While he doesn’t break the design down part-by-part, he does give some good advice about building larger creations.
As for constructive criticism, I’m mostly interested in seeing the elbow joints revised. The clicky joints in the elbows are great for holding poses, though the flat section of technic liftarms is a bit ugly compared to the rest of this creation. I wouldn’t mind seeing the back covered up properly too, maybe with something he can pop on and off quickly so he can still show off the insides to his guests.
At this time, this was the only BIONICLE creation I saw on turboplow’s youtube channel, though I hope to see more creations from him later. In the meantime, maybe we can drop by and help give his channel a boost for showing us this excellent creation?