This MOC was designed by Reddit user Secure_Focus_2754

I never personally liked the stars sets that much. The BIONICLE community sometimes surprises me with their creativity though, and have made MOCs in the Stars style that are vastly more interesting than what hit the shelves.
Secure_Focus_2754‘s Visorak, imagined in the “Stars” style, is the MOC that caught my attention this week. Part of it’s appeal is how well it imitates a Stars set, and I would have been none the wiser if it was slipped into the lineup in place of Gresh or Skrall back when they were revealed. The only thing I think could make it better is a stud launcher rigged to fire some flat round 2×2 tiles mounted to it’s back end.
Secure_Focus_2754 has more BIONICLE MOCs on reddit if you want to check out their work. The majority of these MOCs are Toa sized, and focus on fun creative designs with interesting part use. I personally like the brown vehicle with buzz saws and cannons mounted on the front.