This MOC is by Vivian Twinkleplasm

Updates to my Toa Kopaka moc. He has an actual face now! I took some inspiration from G2 Kopaka with the spear. Still want to try more options for the mask.
Vivian Twinkleplasm
I like how Vivian didnt just mimic Tahu from the GWP set, she took the time to improve upon the less than impressive arms. The hinged arms might give Tahu more articulation than he had in 2001, but the mini ball joint arms gives Kopaka a touch more articulation and strength. The extra detailing, and choice of studded armor plates also looks much better.
Vivian also put her art skills to use in making Kopaka’s face, which adds just a touch of fan-art to the creation. It does make the MOC look a little off, but I find it to be a reasonable compromise. The choice of using the 2015 Kopaka’s spear for the weapon seems odd to me, I like how it looks, but I would have liked to see Vivian’s take on the original weapon.
Be sure to check out this WIP of the Kopaka MOC, which features another very interesting torso design. I think I actually like it better than the one featured above!